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Musée Rodin wedding in Paris

Discussion in 'Wedding and Honeymoon Locations' started by Divine, 20 June 2016.

  1. Divine

    Divine Moderator

    3 May 2016
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    Is there any other place which is more Romantic than Paris?

    Musee Rodin was one of my favorite. I have experienced personally the perfect elements and balance of ancient artwork and nature. The place shouts romance and ancient elegance. Its park, adding to its immense attraction which is so stunning and would be perfect for an outdoor wedding. At the back of the museum lies a small lake that is suitable location for grand and luxurious wedding.

    The beautiful 18th-century mansion housing the great collection is a must see.

    If you're guest is an art enthusiast it features The Kiss, Eve, The Thinker and The Gates of Hell, Rodin's greatest works, can all be seen on the premises.
  2. Louise

    Louise New Member

    3 May 2016
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    Castle wedding are elegant. and its currently one of the most sought venue in weddings.

    But most of the early generations would prefer modern venues like hotel, high end resorts etc. But nothing beats classy and basic. :)

    Nice one.

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