An imgur user with the handle “krissykross” has done something rarely before seen online:

She has shared a number of text messages and conversations she had with an abusive husband named Adam back when they were married, giving the public a look at the unsettling nature of such relationships.

Why did she go this route?

“Strangers on the internet are better than keeping it inside for so long,” she explained at the end of her post.

These images have been shared over 600,000 times and it’s easy to understand why.

We admire krissykross for her courage and we can only hope she’s found a healthy way to move on from such a horrible past…

1. Typical Messages She Would Receive at Work

Krissy says she was not allowed on her phone while in the office, hence her lack of a response.

2. Tony Was Simply a Co-Worker, She Explains

But this sort of jealousy was normal from Adam.

3. Traps Were Often Set

Krissy says she simply stayed the night with a friend in this example.

4. Physical Traces of Abuse

Wrote Krissy as a caption to explain this exchange: “I visit my mother one every couple years. I had a huge bruise on my arm from where my husband had bit me, leaving visible teeth marks. The bruise was so bad it hung around for almost a month. Long enough for a visit to my mothers and to still be photographed by NCIS when I finally turned him several weeks later.”

5. This One Speaks for Itself

Adam attempted to control Krissy in every way possible, at all times.

6. You’re an Animal

This is positively chilling to read.

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Source: celebweddings