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Barcelona, Spain Wedding

Discussion in 'Wedding and Honeymoon Locations' started by Damon, 12 May 2016.

  1. Damon

    Damon New Member

    12 May 2016
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    Me and my wife had a blast on our wedding, which was held on Barcelona, Spain. My wife and I loves a warmer climate. So we'd thought of Barcelona, Spain would be a perfect fit to our wedding, and one more thing there is a lesser chance that rain would ruin our big day since we want to do it outdoor.

    Given the fact that Spain is Europe's holiday destination, we decided to give it a go. It was perfect, Every single person we spoke to has said that it was the best wedding that they have ever been to and the friends who live in Barcelona have said that it was the best night out they have ever had !

    Thats it! You? Whats your story? We'd love to hear it.
    Francheska and Tony like this.
  2. Francheska

    Francheska New Member

    16 May 2016
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    My cousin and her husband got married is Spain too. I agree it was great. The heritage and tradition amazes me. I love the historical places too. Im an old soul type of gal so I super love the environment. The architectural designs of are all amazing. The locals are friendly and accommodating too. I'll definitely come back!
  3. Divine

    Divine Moderator

    3 May 2016
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    I'f you're an eccentric type of person Spain is perfect for you. Their culture is rich. Its an old country. Spanish are really artistic people. You can see that on their infrastructure and architectural designs. It's history is also rich. And what I like about Spain is the food. Their food is awesome. A combination of spicy and sweet. The seafood paella are the best. For weddings, the castle are the perfect venues. Be it an outdoor or indoor wedding.

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