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My Dream Beach Wedding

Discussion in 'Your Wedding' started by Divine, 17 June 2016.

  1. Divine

    Divine Moderator

    3 May 2016
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    My fiancee and I are beach bums. We looove beaches. I am a Filipina and my fiancee is European. We really nothing have much in common, except that we both love the beaches. We came from different cultures and totally came from the different side of the world. Yeah, we argue on politics, religion and other beliefs but, it does not defy our love. ♥

    And since we're getting married this year. We wanted to relive moments from the first day we met, that is during the beach volleyball league on the white sand beach of Boracay Philippines. He's with his friends watching me compete for beach volleyball game. Well, after that as they say, the rest is history. We fell in love and after a year we're now planning to get married. Since beach plays a big part of our love story. We want to have it either on El Nido Palawan or at Amalfi. But if you have a better suggestion which is more fitting. Please let me know or reply below. Much appreciated. Thanks!
    #1 Divine, 17 June 2016
    Last edited: 17 June 2016
  2. Julian

    Julian New Member

    3 May 2016
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    You must also consider the budget and food and locales. :)

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