There was a time when Maci Bookout and Ryan Edwards were among the most civil former couples in the entire Teen Mom franchise.
We think it’s safe to say those days are done.
Maci and Ryan are feuding over custody of their son, Bentley, and it looks as though the conflict is doomed to get uglier before it (hopefully) gets resolved.
As is so often the case in public custody disputes, a fair amount of shade-throwing is going on, and the latest comes from Maci, who says she’s very happy that she decided to cut Ryan loose so many years ago.
1. The Beginning
There was a time when Ryan and Maci actually seemed like a stable couple by Teen Mom standards. That era didn’t last very long.
2. A Bitter Breakup
Ryan and Maci have gone through periods of relatively amicable co-parenting, but they’ve also experienced plenty of rough patches. The one they’re in now being a prime example…
3. “See You in Court!”
A recent episode of Teen Mom saw Mackenzie and Bentley visiting Ryan on Father’s Day. He vaguely threatened his ex with legal action.
4. Safety Concerns
Maci is reportedly concerned about Ryan’s ability to create a safe and stable environment for Bentley. Given his struggles in recent months, it’s not hard to see why she might feel that way.
5. Ryan at Rock Bottom
Ryan’s drug addiction was so severe at one point that he passed out while driving to his own wedding. These days, he’s six months sober, but he’s had a difficult time earning Maci’s trust back.
6. Opening Up
Maci spoke candidly about her feelings toward Ryan in a recent TM:OG promo. He might not like what she had to say…
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Source: celebweddings
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